Monday, March 30, 2009

First Outing Next Week

We are tentatively scheduling (pending van availability, weather, etc.) our first outing of Spring for next Tuesday (April 7th). It will be a freshwater trip, so rig those rods! I have a couple spots in mind, but if you have any suggestions for a nearby pond, lake, or river with good access let me know. Also, if you don't have any freshwater gear, drop me a line as I'm sure we can pull together something for you borrow.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Equipment Storage

I was pleased when I came in the office today to find that a student had left a fishing rod for safe-keeping (wouldn't fit in a locker). This typically happens when there is a fishing club outing, but today there is nothing planned. Which means that some of you are making plans to fish with each other after school and I think that is great! Please feel free to store your gear with me during the day if it doesn't fit in your locker.

Weather looks great, get out there and fish!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hammering Bass in NH

Luke was so itchin' for some fishin' this past weekend while in New Hampshire that he used a hammer to chip a hole through two feet of ice on Lake Winnipesaukee. Judging from the pictures, his effort definitely paid off. Still, he left slightly disappointed due to the fact that he hooked a bass that was too big to get through the hole. He was forced to reach down under the ice and pull the hook out of the mouth of the fish. When I asked him about the size of the fish he responded, "I'm not sure, but it had a really big mouth!"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fly Fishing Film Tour

Just a reminder...First Light Anglers is hosting the Fly Fishing Film Tour this Sunday (March 15, 6:30pm). The event will be held at Chunky's in Haverhill. Tickets are $15.00 and can be purchased online here. Based on the previews, it looks like it will be a very entertaining show.

Some of you might remember that the SJP Fishing Club hosted the Fly Fishing Film Tour the first year the show came to New England, after their previously scheduled venue fell through. Proceeds of that show supported the Scott Connolly Memorial Scholarship fund.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Species Diversity

One of the things that has always bothered me is when fellow anglers refer to naturally occurring/native species as "trash fish". Basically, to earn this label all you have to do is eat the same stuff a "more desirable" fish does. For instance, many local anglers grumble and moan when a bluefish is caught instead of a striped bass. Unfortunately, sometimes these attitudes are played out in the treatment of the fish when on shore, or the deck of a boat.

I challenge all of us this season to celebrate the diversity of species we can catch on rod and reel here in New England. Should you find yourself playing a fish that is something other than what you were hoping for, look at it as a bonus!
Though not caught in our neck of the woods, Sam forwarded along a sampling of the fish he caught on his last trip to Belize. The fact that all these fish were caught on the fly rod is pretty cool (not pictured is one of the many bonefish he caught). Enjoy!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Varsity Fishing?

So your jump shot isn't quite good enough to land you on the team at North Carolina, but there still might be hope for you to make a D-I team in college. Can you flip and pitch? Work a weed-line with a spinner bait? Do you excel at tossing a Texas-rigged worm around stumps? Perhaps you will make the cut on a college fishing team... Collegiate bass fishing is quickly becoming a popular club sport at many colleges and universities. To learn more, visit the College Bass website.