Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We had an amazing time in Panama. I will be posting a full report soon. In the meantime, check out a few pictures from the trip.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

First Trip Report

Cutting right to the chase here... we were skunked! Still we had a great time checking out a body of water that is practically in the Prep's backyard. I expect that in a few weeks the fishing should really heat up at this location and that the fishing club will be on it.

Picture: First outing of the year. Derek and Pat watch Mr. Soule getting in a few reps with his 10 weight prior to Panama.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Panama Prep

With the Panama trip only two weeks away, club members and chaperones are beginning to feel the crunch. Mr. Soule is no exception. This afternoon, I was hoping to catch him during his lunch block and was surprised when I found his desk like this. I think Mr. Soule is feeling the pressure if he is sitting in front of the vise during his lunch hour!

"Catch of the Day"

A few years ago, a student that has since graduated, started the tradition of taking a few minutes during club trips to pickup litter around the fishing spots we visit. It was a great student initiative and one that I hope will stick with the club. With that in mind, I am sharing a great ad campaign done by the Surfrider Foundation.

On a related note, one of the local chapters of Surfrider will be conducting a beach cleanup this Saturday at the Wall (aka North Beach) in Hampton, NH. Things get underway at 6:00am. For the surfers in the club, it looks like there should be fun-little waves that morning to enjoy after the cleanup.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Next Week's Outing - Wednesday

A slight change to the plan due to van availability. We will be going fishing on next Wednesday. I sent an email out today with a permission slip. If you are not on the list, drop me an email ASAP. Spots are limited, so get those permission slips in!